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Home Collegewide Campus Operations Vehicle Request and Training

Vehicle Request and Training

For vehicle and cart reservations please contact Campus Operations at (916) 691-7729.

Any employee, student, or volunteer who drives a district vehicle must be trained and authorized to drive. District handbooks and information on checking your driving status can be found on the Los Rios Driving Program webpage.

Vehicle Training Information

Keep in mind that once all items are completed and turned in, it can take two or more weeks for the DMV to return your paperwork to the district office for final approval. Please plan accordingly. No carts, vehicles or vans will be checked out to anyone who is not on the approved list.

CRC requires all campus vehicles traveling over 200 miles one-way to have two authorized drivers per vehicle, as suggested in the District Vehicle Use Authorization Policy & Procedures, R-8343 (PDF). Please see sections 3.2, Drivers defined and 6.3, Vehicle Use and Assignment.

All Campus Operations Forms


phone: (916) 691-7729


Monday to Friday:
8:00 am to 5:00 pm


Operations and Public Safety Building (OPS)