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Home Governance Participatory Governance Council

Agendas and Minutes

Cosumnes River College relies upon a participatory governance model to steward institutional planning and decision-making. Participatory Governance (PG) encourages the collaborative participation and advice of those closest to an issue, project, or program to inform the college-wide perspective. Participatory Governance at CRC functions through constituency representation where faculty, professional staff, administrators, and students voice the needs of their respective roles, providing diverse perspectives to inform the whole.

Participatory Governance Decision-Making

The following outlines the participatory governance decision-making policies and practices, which are revised from the former Decision-making Handbook. Participatory Governance and institutional decision-making are guided by the college’s Vision, Mission and Values.



Ed Bush
Administrative Tri-Chair

Scott Crosier
Faculty Tri-Chair

Laurie Pownall
Classified Tri-Chair


Jacob Velasquez
Academic Senate President

Miguel Lemus
Classified Senate President

Chris Raines
LRMA Representative

ASCRC President (or designee) & two additional student representatives

Tri-Chairs of the Four Branches

Tadael Emiru, Katy Wilson, Evarista Veliz
Institutional Effectiveness

Theresa Tena, Michael Frigm, TBA

Robert Montanez, Brian Noel, ­­­­­­Grace Corpuz
Student Learning and Instructional Support

Tadael Emiru, Matthew Wohl, Denise Figueroa
Student Success and Equity

Sabrina Sencil
Accreditation Liaison Officer

Meeting Information

Meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of each month from 2:00 to 3:00 pm.