Accessibility Support
Faculty may request accessibility support through the Los Rios A-Team!
Business Services Forms
Administrative service forms used by the Business Services office.
Campus Operations Forms
Forms for reserving facilities and vehicles at CRC.
Care, Support, and Conduct Forms
Find the specific forms you need pertaining to a variety of conduct issues.
CIPS - College Integrated Planning System
Login to CIPS, our College Integrated Planning System.
Counseling/Referral Forms
Forms for reporting students for behavior or conduct issues and referring them for help.
COVID Reporting, Training, and Forms
DSPS Forms
Faculty may use these forms to refer a student to the program or request a service (if applicable during remote operations).
Faculty/Instructional Forms
Access forms related to instructional matters.
Hiring Committee Resources
Mental Health Referral
Staff may use this form to refer a student for mental health resources.
Office of Philanthropy Forms
Forms to request services from CRC's Office of Philanthropy, including Mini Grants and Employee Payroll Deduction.
Performance Review Forms
Find evaluation and observation forms as part of the performance review process.
Police and Parking Forms
Find forms related to fingerprinting and parking at CRC.
Printing Services Forms
Forms to request business cards, copying, lab manual printing, and other printing services.
Professional Development and Flex Forms
Get the most out of Professional Development and Flex by submitting the appropriate forms.
Public Information Office Forms
Forms to request services from CRC's Public Information Office, including website updates, event promotion, and graphic design services.
Travel Forms
Planning to travel for a field trip or other work-related activities? Find the forms here.