The Cosumnes River College Classified Senate serves and supports all classified employees as they strive to reach their full potential, both professionally and personally, by providing leadership roles and professional development activities. The classified staff interacts with administration, faculty, and the student body, providing a unique perspective into the needs and goals of the college. The Classified Senate represents the collective voice of the classified staff, facilitating communication and representation in order to enhance the well-being of the entire college community.
2024-2025 Meetings
Fall Meetings
- October 9, 2024
- November 20, 2024
Spring Meetings
- Jan 8, 2025
- February 12, 2025
- March 12, 2025
- April 9, 2025
- May 14, 2025
- To promote communication, understanding, and mutual support amongst the classified staff.
- To provide classified staff with a formal structure and effective procedure for participation in state, district, and college participatory governance, including the formation and implementation of college/district goals, objectives, and policies, excluding collective bargaining issues.
- The Senate shall be distinct and autonomous from all other standing committees.
- The primary responsibility of the Senate is to act as the formal representative voice and body of the classified staff at Cosumnes River College (CRC), including its educational centers. The Senate has the power to make recommendations to the college and district administration on all issues and activities pertaining to classified staff not covered by their collective bargaining units and on all recommendations made to the Leadership Council through the college collegial consultation process.
- The Senate may assume such responsibilities and perform such functions as may be requested of it by CRC's classified staff. The Senate shall communicate its recommendations and positions on college issues to all classified staff in order to keep its members informed of its actions and current issues of interest to the college community.
- The Senate shall make all classified staff appointments to, but not limited to, state, district and college standing committees (permanent), ad-hoc (of short duration) committees, hiring committees, task forces and councils dealing with collegial consultation, planning, special college events/activities, and policies.
- No classified member representative or group representative should be interpreted as speaking for the Senate unless so designated or appointed by action of the Senate.
- The Senate may request funds from the college as needed to carry out its purposes. The Senate may also raise funds for special events and activities using college-approved methods.
The Senate shall be comprised of all permanent classified employees of CRC. This includes blue collar, white collar, confidential, and non management supervisory classified positions. Probationary status has no effect on membership.
Although CRC temporary classified employees shall not be considered voting members of the Senate, they are encouraged to participate and bring topics of consideration to the Senate at any time.
The Executive Board Officers of the Senate consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Past-President. The Board of the Senate consists of the Executive Board and all senators. As of August 2024, the Board is:
Classified Senate Officers
President: Miguel Lemus
Vice President: Clarissa Correa-Hamilton
Secretary: Linda Stack
Treasurer: TBD
Past President: Laurie Pownall
Classified Senators
Receiving, Custodial, Maintenance, Duplicating, Police Services, Health Services:
MollyAnna Robinson
Admissions and Records, Welcome Center, Business Services, Cafeteria, Placement, Financial Aid, Student Support Center, DSPS, and President's Office:
Houa Vue
Outreach, Upward Bound TRIO, Center for Inclusion and Belonging programs, Library Technology and Instruction:
Lauren Ballesteros
Arts, Media and Entertainment, Instruction, Health:
Robyn Brakel
Social and Behavior Sciences, Business and Computer Sciences, English and Language Studies:
Estela Valencia-Tinoco
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, Automotive Construction and Design Technology, Human Services (Career and Tech):
Tali Lopez Ramirez
Science, Math and Engineering, Strong Workforce, Child Development Center:
Julia Villalobos
Equity Institutional Effectiveness, Elk Grove Center:
Alyssa de la Torre