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Home Guided Pathways Student Success Teams

Each Career and Academic Community (CAC) will have a designated Student Success Team comprised of counseling faculty, instructional faculty and classified staff, peer mentors and the CAC dean. Members of the Success Team (SST) will work together in a coordinated and intentional manner to provide holistic support to students.  Each team member respects the experience and expertise of others in the team. The student at the center will be the primary focus.    

Responsibilities of SST Members

Classroom Faculty

  • Provide career outlook and guide students to career activities and job/professional requirements based on academic majors
  • Provide labor market information, legislation, and professional and academic development
  • Work with success teams on early alert and academic progress of students in your academic path


  • Provide case management support to your assigned academic path including academic, career, personal/crisis, and multicultural counseling
  • Meet with classroom faculty in your assigned academic path
  • Case manage early alert and progress report students


  • Provide on-going case management services to students in each academic path
  • Communicate and respond to inquiries from students and success teams
  • Provide programmatic support to the student success teams

Peer Mentors

  • Make various phone calls to students
  • Present informational workshops and activities
  • Conduct individualized orientation/tours, CAC specific
  • Assist with high school orientation and registration 
  • Send reminders for counseling appointments
  • Provide information about student support programs
  • Provide information about student clubs and organizations
  • Provide opportunities for building academic, social and professional support


  • Schedule regular meetings with student success teams
  • Provide resources including career opportunities and maintain communication with student success teams
  • Monitor status of course sections in the academic paths