Due to the frequency of changes to COVID guidelines and updates to these documents, we ask that you bookmark this page and download the documents from this page each time you need to use them rather than saving a local copy to your computer for future use.
Reporting Forms
Interactive Decision Chart
This interactive form is for employees or students who have been exposed to COVID or received a positive COVID test result and need to know what to do next.
COVID Reporting Form
Submit the COVID Reporting Form (Appendix C) if you tested positive for COVID-19 and you were on campus within 48 hours of when symptoms began or your positive test collection date.
Notification Templates
- Notification Templates for Employees
- Notification Templates for Students
- Employee Contact Tracing Notification Template
Health and Safety Protocols
- Los Rios COVID-19 Prevention Procedures
- Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Prevention Emergency Temporary Standards
- CRC Protocol to Complete COVID Reporting
- Interactive Online Decision Chart for COVID Close Contact Exposure or Positive Result Response
- COVID Management Process Tree for Students
- COVID Management Process Tree for Employees
- Visit the State Chancellor's Office's Vision Resource Center.
- Log in, or create a new account if you don't have one.
- Click on the Learning tab, and search for COVID.
- Select from the COVID-related training options.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, remote employees who test positive for COVID should still report it because they cannot come to campus if required. Reporting also allows employees to get the COVID benefits they need.
If the employee has no symptoms, then no – the employee does not have to report it.
If the employee has symptoms or a confirmed positive test for themselves, then yes – the employee has to report it.
Yes, the Keenan COVID training is required. There is also optional training available from the California Community Colleges.