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District-wide and CRC Course Success Targets for Fall 2020

For Fall 2020, CRC, along with the three other colleges, is setting course success targets. The District-wide and local CRC goal setting methods are similar, but our definitions of course success differ slightly. The CRC Research & Equity Team provides the following data documentation in order to describe the underlying differences and how they are connected.

Overall Course Success Rate Goal-Setting Methods

The local CRC and district-wide goals are juxtaposed in the table below. The proposed increase in course success for CRC is similar to the district-wide increase.

Fall 2019 Course Success CRC’s Local Success Rate CRC’s Course Success Rate Target District-wide Course Success Rate District-wide Target for each College
Overall 69.4% 69.9% 72.4% 73%

How Are the Two Goals Connected? Why Are We Using Two Goals?

Meeting the local goal of 69.9% and the district goal of 73% are not mutually exclusive. The two goals are presented together because we have more agency to affect student success at CRC than we do across the district. In addition, because we are part of a multi-campus district, we acknowledge how our efforts at CRC can affect students’ success in the district. By increasing our students’ success locally, we also ultimately contribute to an increase in district-level success rates.

Local and District-wide Equity Goals and Differences in Metrics

With regards to equity goals, the course success rate calculations for each race/ethnicity at the district level differ from CRC’s local course success rates. Specifically, the district includes the CRC students’ enrollments at the other Los Rios Colleges (ARC, FLC, and SCC). For example, a student taking one course at CRC and three courses at FLC would have all four courses included in the district-level CRC course success rate. The number of enrollments included in both the numerator and denominator of the district-level calculation are therefore larger than at the local level; in Fall 2019, for African American students, the course success rate was 2094/3642 = 57.5% at the local level and 2434/4204= 57.9% at the district level.

The local CRC and District-level equity goals for our Black/African American and Hispanic/Latinx students are displayed below. Please note, the district-level course success rate targets are slightly higher compared to the local targets.

Fall 2019 Course Success CRC’s Local Success Rate CRC’s Course Success Rate Target District-level CRC Course Success Rate District-level CRC Course Success Rate Target
Black/African American 57.5% 62.8% 57.9% 63.9%
Hispanic/Latinx 66.1% 68% 66.6% 69.1%