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Agendas and Minutes

The Cultural Competence and Equity Committee will assist with the implementation of policies and the development and implementation of practices that support cultural engagement to assure excellence, effectiveness, and equity in teaching, learning, organizational effectiveness, and college and community relations.

The Cultural Competence and Equity Committee is to assist the college with the implementation and development of practices that advance cultural competence; foster excellence, effectiveness and equity in teaching and learning, and improve college and community relations.

About the Committee

Agendas and Minutes



Alejandro Torres
Classified Professional Tri-Chair

Brandy Jones-Thomas
Faculty Tri-Chair

Brianna Ellis
Administrative Tri-Chair

Classified Professionals:
Miguel Lemus, Admissions and Records Evaluator II
Jordan Cervantes, Student Personnel Assistant, Student Life and Leadership Center

Michael Carney (CSS)
Mike Chappell (CSS)
Laurel Doyle (SBS)
Robert Hoile
Crystal Martinez-Alire (CSS)
Adam Wadenius (AME)

Sabrina Sencil, Dean of Institutional Effectiveness, Research and Planning
Brian Rickel, Dean of Arts, Media and Entertainment
Oscar Mendoza Plascencia, Interim Director of Student Equity and Engagement


Meeting Information

Meetings are held the second Thursday of each month from 1:00 to 2:30 pm via Zoom.

Meeting ID: 886 1591 2214

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