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Committee Charge

Committee Membership

The IE Committee shall be inclusive of the college’s constituency groups. All members of the IE Committee are voting members. A minimum of 50% of voting members with at least one voting member from each of the following groups: Administrators, Classified Professionals, and Faculty present shall constitute a quorum.



Katy Wilson
Faculty Tri-Chair

Tadael Emiru
Administrative Tri-Chair

MollyAnna Robinson
Classified Tri-Chair

Emily Bond (LTS)
Ea Edwards (CSS)
Rhonda Farley (ESL)
Cherelle Holden (ELS)
Rajeev Pandey (SME)
Jason Patterson (SME)
Katy Wilson (Faculty Researcher)

Paul Meinz, IT Business Tech Analyst, Research and Planning
Mollyanna Robinson, Operations Technician
Evarista Veliz, Programmer, Research and Planning

Ashu Mishra, Dean, Automotive, Construction and Design Technology
Camille Moreno, Associate Dean, Science, Math and Engineering
Tadael Emiru, Interim Vice President, Equity, Institutional Effectiveness, Research and Planning
Brian Rickle, Dean, Arts, Media and Entertainment
Sabrina Sencil, Dean of Research and Equity

Maya Renteria
Athena Singh

Meeting Information

Meetings are held the second and fourth Friday of each month from 9:00 to 10:30 am.

Zoom Meeting ID:
839 8063 1153

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