Committee Charge
The Institutional Effectiveness (IE) Committee is charged with providing a college-wide perspective and focus on the college's planning and assessment processes and accreditation that support equitable outcomes for students. The IE Committee applies an equity-lens to all levels of college planning and assessment. The key goal of the committee is to bring focus to productive discussions leading to positive change for the College. The IE is the champion for ongoing implementation of the college's planning cycle. As a participatory governance committee, IE represents all constituencies.
In order to accomplish the IE Committee’s charge and duties, the Committee provides leadership to the following college processes:
- Development of the College's Mission and Vision Statements
- Strategic Planning
- Unit Planning
- Program Review
- Accreditation
- Accountability Oversight
- Outcomes Assessment
- Communication of the College's Planning Process
In addition, IE provides strategic support to Professional Development (PD) and Cultural Competence and Equity (CC and E) Committees.
- Assist with coordinating the accreditation process
- Obtain input from the college community regarding planning issues
- Assess and adjust the planning process so that it meets the college's needs
- Provide accountability to ensure continued efficacy in the college planning and review processes
- Provide oversight to:
- the development of the Strategic Plan (refreshed and new) and provide follow-up and accountability to the implementation of the plan
- the further integration of the resource allocation processes and the Strategic Plan (budget, staff development, staffing, etc.)
- Provide oversight to and support for the program review process
- Ensure that program review reports are summarized and disseminated
- Develop and provide oversight for the linkage between program review and unit planning processes in conjunction with the Resources Committee
- Work with Research and Equity to (1) monitor the college’s progress towards achieving its Strategic Plan and other institutional plans; (2) gather campus feedback to evaluate its integrated planning processes; and (3) accomplish other IE duties where necessary
- Provide support for the assessment of student learning, with an attention to effective teaching that results in equitable gains in student achievement and employment
- Assess and adjust the college's outcomes assessment processes so it meets the college's needs
- Provide input to and work with Outcomes Coordinator to ensure that outcomes assessment is implemented across the college, integrated with the College’s planning processes, and that assessment results are disseminated to the college community.
As it carries out its responsibilities and duties, IE should integrate, coordinate, validate, and communicate it's planning and processes with the other college governance committees and the operational units of the college. Additionally the IE Committee should:
- Serve as a reservoir of planning knowledge and processes
- Provide the campus community with a framework upon which other college governance committees can carry out specific planning responsibilities including, but not limited to, educational and facilities master plans, and planning for cultural competence, information technology, and staff development
- Review the planning processes and products of the college to ensure they are integrated and coordinated with the elements of college and district strategic plans
- Provide input to and work with Outcomes Coordinator to ensure that outcomes assessment is implemented across the college and integrated with the college’s planning processes.
The Committee will use a consensus decision-making process in the development of its recommendations. Recommendations developed by the Committee are forwarded to the College President and the Executive Council for dissemination and discussion by the constituencies and the college community at large.
Committee Membership
The IE Committee shall be inclusive of the college’s constituency groups. All members of the IE Committee are voting members. A minimum of 50% of voting members with at least one voting member from each of the following groups: Administrators, Classified Professionals, and Faculty present shall constitute a quorum.
In addition to the faculty tri-chair, the college faculty researcher, and the Outcomes Coordinator, the Committee shall include at least four representatives from the college's Career and Academic Communities (CACs) and divisions. Additional faculty members can be included to allow for one representative from each of the CACs and divisions. The faculty tri-chair is responsible for communicating committee issues to the attention of the Academic Senate and the appropriate college and district groups for review, assistance, research and possible recommendations.
The Committee shall include four administrators designated by the College President. The Associate Vice President of Equity, Institutional Effectiveness, and Innovation shall serve as the Administrative Tri-Chair.
The Committee shall include at least four members of the classified staff designated by the Classified Senate President. These appointees should represent a broad cross-section of the classified service areas including the Instructional Services, Student Services, and Administrative Services areas of the College. These appointees shall include Classified Professional(s) from Institutional Research & Equity and a member of the Classified Senate Executive Council. The Classified membership will include the Classified Tri-Chair.
The Committee shall include up to four students designated by the Associated Student Government President.
Katy Wilson
Faculty Tri-Chair
Tadael Emiru
Administrative Tri-Chair
MollyAnna Robinson
Classified Tri-Chair
Emily Bond (LTS)
Ea Edwards (CSS)
Rhonda Farley (ESL)
Cherelle Holden (ELS)
Rajeev Pandey (SME)
Jason Patterson (SME)
Katy Wilson (Faculty Researcher)
Paul Meinz, IT Business Tech Analyst, Research and Planning
Mollyanna Robinson, Operations Technician
Evarista Veliz, Programmer, Research and Planning
Ashu Mishra, Dean, Automotive, Construction and Design Technology
Camille Moreno, Associate Dean, Science, Math and Engineering
Tadael Emiru, Interim Vice President, Equity, Institutional Effectiveness, Research and Planning
Brian Rickle, Dean, Arts, Media and Entertainment
Sabrina Sencil, Dean of Research and Equity
Maya Renteria
Ethan Bui
Meeting Information
Meetings in spring are via Zoom.
Second and fourth Fridays:
9:00 to 10:30 am
Zoom Meeting ID:
817 7403 3493
Note: The college will be closed on Friday, February 14, 2025. The first Zoom meeting will be instead on Friday, February 7 with a separate Zoom link:
Join on Zoom on February 7
Meeting ID: 869 1128 2878