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Home Governance Academic Senate Subcommittees Professional Standards

Meeting Time

5th and 6th Friday of each semester and TBA

Members 2024-2025

Committee Co-Chairs

Anastasia Panagakos and Mun Kang


  • Naomi Bahm (SBS)
  • Iris Dimond (LRCFT)
  • Markus Geissler (BCS)
  • Patty Felkner (AME)
  • Michael Frigm (AFNR)
  • Norman Hom (ELS)
  • Ray Mapeso (SSC)
  • Kathryn Mayo (AME)
  • Natalie Nguyen (SME)
  • Thien-Huong Ninh (SBS)
  • Rochelle Perez (LTS)
  • Sarah Pollock (SME)
  • Mike Yarbrough (SME)

Annual Reports to the Academic Senate

Committee Charge

Purpose and Area of Responsibility

The Professional Standards Committee receives and reviews the applications of faculty members desiring Type A and B Professional (Sabbatical) Leaves. Every semester the College President sends a letter to all full-time faculty describing the application procedures and timelines for these leaves. The committee reviews the proposals using an approved rubric and interviews the applicants. Following established equitable guidelines, each committee member is given an opportunity to ask questions of applicants during the interview process as well as voice opinions and concerns during the deliberation phase. The committee then makes recommendations to the College President who sends recommended leaves to the Board of Trustees for approval (Please see current Article 11 of the LRCCD/LRCFT Agreement for information on purpose and criteria). The committee chair refrains from casting a vote during deliberation or voicing an opinion regarding an application but can vote to break a tie if one should arise. Within three months of completion of approved sabbatical leaves, the committee collects reports, reviews and then assesses them by an approved rubric.

Committee Membership

Faculty Membership

All areas/units shall be represented. At least ten faculty members shall be appointed. The chair and chair elect shall be designated by the Academic Senate President, in consultation with the College President.

Administrative Membership

The Vice President for Instruction and Student Learning serves as an ex-officio, non-voting member.

Approved 2002-03
Reviewed 2010-11
Reviewed 2018-19

Purpose and Area of Responsibility

The Professional Standards Committee receives and reviews the applications of faculty members desiring Type A and B Professional (Sabbatical) Leaves. Every semester the College President sends a letter to all full-time faculty describing the application procedures and timelines for these leaves. The committee interviews the applicants and then makes recommendations to the College President, who sends a list of his/her recommended leaves to the Board of Trustees for approval. (Please see current Article 11 of the LRCCD/LRCFT Agreement for information on purpose and criteria).

Sabbatical Information

Sabbatical Forms

Understanding the Sabbatical Process

In this FLEX presentation the Professional Standards Committee discusses Type A, B, and C sabbaticals; project types; and the application process.

Recent Reports and Committee Minutes

Meeting minutes and most recent sabbatical reports can be found on the CRC Academic Senate BoardDocs page.

Examples of Successful Type A Proposals and Reports

Examples of Successful Type B Proposals and Reports