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Our Identity

Horizontal version of the Los Rios logo

Through this established identity system, the brand’s integrity is maintained, and its recognition is reinforced over time.

Cosumnes River College’s (CRC) focus is on student success and, as a result, enhancing the vitality of our region is represented in this system. With its strong sense of place and history, the mark features the river and foothills of the Sacramento region and a hawk symbolically taking flight.

The Cosumnes River College logo is used on all publications, internal documents, promotions, and collateral material representing the college. The horizontal logo is the preferred version.

Who qualifies for a logo design?

At Cosumnes River College, we strive to maintain a consistent and professional visual identity across all our programs, services, and departments. In order to achieve this goal, we have established the following guidelines for the creation of new official logos.


Programs that have been officially recognized by the college are eligible for a unique logo that has been specifically designed for them. To preserve the uniqueness of your program’s brand, along with CRC’s brand, we will not design a shield logo or variation of our college’s shield design.

Unique logos will be designed in combination with our school logo, known as a “lock up,” while designated for promotional materials that will be used outside of the campus or in print. Your unique logo can be used by itself when used on CRC’s website.

Example of a program logo lockup.
Department sample logo lockup

Services and Departments

Services and departments that are officially recognized by the college are eligible for a basic logo that has been designed to fit within the overall brand identity of the college, with the name of the service or department placed under the CRC logo.

Example of a department logo.
Department sample logo lockup

Logo Downloads

The logo is available in four variations to ensure wide implementation in a variety of end uses and dimensions. Each download contains color, black, white, and grayscale versions. (Please see Color Guidelines.)

Download Entire Logo Package (17.2MB)


Los Rios and CRC Logos: Side-by-Side Lockups

Cosumnes River College is a proud partner of the Los Rios Community College District. Logo lockups are available in two orientations to ensure wide implementation in a variety of end uses and dimensions.

Download Los Rios + CRC Logo Package (ZIP) (3.3MB)

Option A - Stacked District Logo
The CRC logo and Los Rios stacked logo, side-by-side
Option B - Horizontal District Logo
The CRC logo and Los Rios horizontal logo, side-by-side

Department and Specialty Lockups

Department names and specialty logos have been prepared as CRC logo lockups for you to download. Using these versions will provide consistency across all college departments. If you do not see your logo on any of the lists below, or you need an updated or new logo, please submit a Marketing and Website Support Request Form and we will provide your specific logo lockup as soon as possible.

Example of a department logo lockup.
Department sample logo lockup

White Background (JPG)

CAC Logos
Department Logos
Specialty Lockups

Many campus initiatives have unique logos created for marketing purposes. These logos must follow this defined lockup format when used with the CRC logo.

Transparent Background (PNG)

CAC Logos
Department Logos
Specialty Lockups

Many campus initiatives have unique logos created for marketing purposes. These logos must follow this defined lockup format when used with the CRC logo.

Logo Usage Guidelines

Our logo is the visual cornerstone of the brand. This guide should be followed to ensure correct use of the logo and its variations.

Download Logo Usage Guide (PDF) 

Clear Space

It is crucial to protect the space around the logo in order to retain its integrity and impact. The minimum clear space must be used and maintained throughout all college materials. Use the "O" within the wordmark when measuring for the proper clear space. This measuring tool is always in relation to the size of the logo on the page.

CRC logo with a buffer zone around it to provide clear space

Minimum Size

Never reduce the logo to less than 1.5 inches for print materials and maintain 100-pixel width for any and all digital collateral. There is no maximum size limit but use discretion when sizing the logo.

CRC logo

Print: Minimum 1.5 inches wide.
Digital: Minimum 100 pixels wide.


Downloaded logo packages contain full-color, black, white, and/or grayscale versions. These color guidelines should be followed:

  • Make sure there is enough contrast for the white logo on a color background
  • CMYK color logos are for print use (for example: printed flyers or posters)
  • RGB color logos are for screen use (for example: email, web, or video)
  • Grayscale logos are intended for black and white printing only
CRC logo colors

Logo Misuse

The logo must be used with consistency in order to keep brand continuity and visual impact. Here are some examples of how not to use the logo.

Don't use an old logo.
Old CRC logo that is crossed out with two red lines
Don't stretch or distort the logo.
A version of the CRC logo that stretched and is crossed out with two red lines
Don't use a low-resolution logo.
A low-resolution version of the CRC logo that is crossed out with two red lines
Don't enlarge only one part of the logo.
A version of the CRC logo with the symbol disproportionately enlarged that is crossed out with two red lines
Don't use an unapproved color for the logo.
A version of CRC logo that is the wrong color and  is crossed out with two red lines
Don't alter the logo's typeface.
A version of the CRC logo that has the wrong typeface and is crossed out with two red lines