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Home Collegewide Faculty and Staff Calendar Flex Workshop: Groups and Peer Review in Canvas

Flex Workshop: Groups and Peer Review in Canvas

Date and Time

Thursday, January 13, 2022
3:15 to 4:30 pm

Add to Calendar 01/13/2022 03:15 PM 01/13/2022 04:30 PM America/Los_Angeles Flex Workshop: Groups and Peer Review in Canvas In this workshop, you will learn about the options for using groups and peer review in Canvas. Come ready to share the good and bad of your experience with group work and learn how to use Canvas tools to make that experience better for you and your students. CRC Institutional Effectiveness false MM/dd/yyyy


This is an online event.


CRC Institutional Effectiveness



Canvas has other tools besides discussion to support the peer-to-peer interaction that gives students a sense of belonging and a way to help each other succeed in your course. In this workshop, you will learn about the options for using groups and peer review in Canvas. Come ready to share the good and bad of your experience with group work and learn how to use Canvas tools to make that experience better for you and your students. We will also discuss how rubrics can help make peer feedback more effective.


  • Gregory Beyrer, Distance Education Coordinator

ADA Accessibility

For ADA accessibility accommodations, please contact Claudia Hoffman at Contact Claudia for disability accommodations only. For general inquiries, please contact either the facilitators of the event or


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