Flex Workshop: Serving Refugee Students
Date and Time
Thursday, January 13, 2022
9:00 to 10:20 am
This is an online event.
CRC Institutional Effectiveness
Sacramento County has welcomed more refugees over the past six years than any other county in the United States. These new arrivals, many coming from Afghanistan, arrive looking to rebuild their lives here in Sacramento. This presentation will equip you with the tools and knowledge needed to help these refugee students attain success within the community college system.
The International Rescue Committee and Asian Resources have decades of experience working with the greater refugee population, specifically to attain success in school and enter careers here in the US. During this presentation, you will learn about the differences between formerly resettled refugees and Afghan Parolees, common barriers refugee students face, coaching and counseling tactics, and resources specifically for refugees in crisis. Finally, you will have an opportunity to learn from successful refugees themselves including the paths they took to move from surviving to thriving.
- Olga Prizhbilov, Director of Refugee Center Pathways
- Representatives from International Rescue Committee
- Asian Resources, Inc.
- Los Rios Refugee Career Pathways
ADA Accessibility
For ADA accessibility accommodations, please contact Claudia Hoffman at hoffmac@crc.losrios.edu. Contact Claudia for disability accommodations only. For general inquiries, please contact either the facilitators of the event or CRC-prodev@crc.losrios.edu.