Flex Workshop: College and Life Skills 101 Course for Students - Version 2.0
Date and Time
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
12:00 to 1:00 pm
This is an online event.
CRC Institutional Effectiveness
The College and Life Skills 101 course, created by the Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS) Student Success Team, was launched in August 2020 to any faculty member who wanted to share the free course sign up link with their students. The course is designed to provide a basic overview of skills and techniques that will help students be more successful while they are students with us, and in life. Topics include stress management, study techniques, growth mindset, importance of sleep, among others.
We solicited feedback from those who completed the course, as well as faculty and student staff, on ways the course could be improved. Version 2.0 was launched in December 2021, for use in Spring 2022. This new version has some newly added content yet has also been streamlined allowing students to complete the course more quickly.
Additionally, mini badges have been added for completion of the six core modules that can be earned along the way, to encourage their progress towards the course completion badge. Please join us as we walk you through the new version of the CRC College and Life Skills course.
- Amanda Paskey, Anthropology Professor
- Jena Trench, Biology Professor
- Karl Zoller, Humanities Professor
- Timaree Hagenburger, Nutrition Professor
ADA Accessibility
For ADA accessibility accommodations, please contact Claudia Hoffman at hoffmac@crc.losrios.edu. Contact Claudia for disability accommodations only. For general inquiries, please contact either the facilitators of the event or CRC-prodev@crc.losrios.edu.